March 31st, 2012
Playing Dress-Up
By Silver Blue
Journey back with me to my high school years. (Photographic permissions from Max/Ward Delmar/Lifetouch Photography has been obtained prior.)

I had my hair “spot permed” in my Junior year, to achieve the pompadour effect. I had a top hat that had been purchased for the outfit, but on the ferry ride from Portsmouth to Norfolk, the wind whipped it off my head and into the bay. I still joke about a “best dressed fish” in the bay. (I like my hair best in this photograph.)

Silver Blue…. who remembers the rose after the rain, and agrees…something beautiful remains.
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- Touching (2)
Published by Silver Blue in 1986, 1987, Carollton, Christie Ann Bolton, Eleya Celeste Finch, Forester John Barker III, Hampton, Junior, Prom, Senior, Tammy McCabe, Tuxedo, Virginia

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