October, 2011
How would you spend your last night on earth?
By Silver Blue
I was playing around with the new camera from work and the higher ISO speeds to put the camera through its paces. This is my mantle, with a turquoise candle for healing, a blue (that looks purple) candle for clarity, and since it’s nearing Halloween, a beautiful feathered mask in blue and silver.
There’s just something surreal about this photo, even with the small amount of camera shake. That particular candle isn’t pink — it’s blue as well — Yankee Candle’s “Storm Watch”.
The thing to remember, and never EVER lose sight of is…
“You can’t smell the roses when you’re gone, so live every moment like it’s the last night on earth…” (“Roses”, Darren Hayes)
Silver Blue, who is slowing down to be sure to be able to smell the roses before it’s too late.
[audio:https://www.eyesofsilverblue.com/dhr.mp3]Sometimes I find…
By Silver Blue
…that if I focus on something other than the situation I’m currently in, that it has a medicinal help. I’m undergoing chiropractic care for back pain, and while it’s helping, there are times that I have to take my mind off it and think of something else.
Here is some of the world through my eyes that helps take my pain away:
Just a parking garage (on the right) and the building I work in (on the left) but I like the reflections and such.
The colour contrast cheers me.
Again, something about the contrast in colours, lines, shapes… I’ve felt an eternal affinity for the water, and this goes a small way to capturing that look.
Who does like roses? I wonder if they’ll be blooming into December again this year as they have in years past?
Silver Blue, who… for a moment… has slipped the confines of pain and enjoyed life. This is happening more and more frequently. I am appreciative.
[audio:https://www.eyesofsilverblue.com/typad.mp3]Somedays, I feel like this.
By Silver Blue
I bear the scars of every day life, I’m always number “2”; however, I still stand tall, and with resolve.
The important thing for me to remember, is … I’m still here, regardless of what I’ve been put through. I’ve not given up. I’ve not laid down from my battles. Nor will I ever.
Silver Blue, who remembers that it’s never easy when there’s so many times….
Angles Watching Over Me.
By Silver Blue
Angles? Surely I mean angels, yes?
Something about this old, dirty building in Norfolk, with its centre windows reflecting the light of the clear blue sky that made me smile this afternoon. Plus, I thought it was a pretty neat take on an apartment building.
Silver Blue, who asks “what have YOU noticed for the first time….today?”
Come taste life.
By Silver Blue
Even if it’s not a perfect life.
Life is meant to be savored, relished, enjoyed…and if things don’t go as planned (as the above cake shows), that doesn’t mean that it won’t be just as sweet.
Silver Blue, who thinks that Auntie Mame had it right when she said “Life’s a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!”
[audio:https://www.eyesofsilverblue.com/pc.mp3]When Art Speaks To You…
By Silver Blue
Sorry to have been absent for a while. There are myriad things going on behind the scenes, and while I don’t use the blog to air personal issues, I’ll say this. Take care of your spine. If it causes you pain, there’s most likely a reason for it. Years of not listening to my body is finally catching up with me.
On a brighter note, when ART is the thing speaking to you, it can be fun to listen to as well. 🙂
The housemate and I went to a Rummage Sale (for lack of a better term) today. I’ve never really enjoyed combing through castoffs for the hidden jewel, but something bid me go today. So, I went. There, I found, for a ridiculously low sum (under $10) a framed print that not only spoke to me, it wouldn’t let me go.
Now, it’s an abstract, but … somehow different. More than just colour thrown on a canvas, or the cleaning of an artists brush, there’s … hidden objects in this painting that are not of my imagination.
There’s a figure with arms outstretched:
and she seems to be reaching for, or releasing a bird:
There are hands reaching up from below, even.
Then, from the top corner of the paining, another figure emerges:
also with arms outstretched, but I don’t know what, if anything, she’s holding.
The last figure I discovered (so far) is in the lower right… and the arm is bent as if there is a blanket folded over the arm, yet the hand is folded back in a strange position.
This one’s a little trickier to see, as the face is looking down, and the eye is far more pronounced.
It’s in the corner of my living room, opposite what I call Meditation Corner.
Silver Blue, who at 42, still likes looking at clouds and seeing what I might make of them. 🙂
When a picture’s not just a picture.
By Silver Blue
I used to have a Blackberry that I was rarely without — I’ve moved on to Android land because the last 3 Blackberries I had were basically pieces of junk, locking up, etc. One had a camera that would only take blurry pictures. What to do?
Well, one option is the run the phone over with your car, but that can be messy. One day, at lunch, I snapped a shot of the diner counter where I was, and, of course, the focus was way too soft to be of any real use … that is, until I thought about being artistic.
Why not let Photoshop turn it into a sketch? Worst that could happen would be that I had a completely unusable picture.
Instead, I was presented with something that was far better than I could have imagined. I liked it so much in fact, that I had an 8×10 made of it, and it was displayed in my kitchen art gallery for a while (and even was mentioned back in June).
That’s one of the myriad reasons that, regardless of how poorly a photo may turn out, I never discard them. You never know what you may open your eyes and see one day.
Silver Blue, who says “I am a camera.”
[audio:https://www.eyesofsilverblue.com/iaac.mp3]Always take a moment…
By Silver Blue
….when you celebrate and remember those who are not with you… be it distance, or if they’ve passed on. (Yes, I know I’ve mentioned this before in my post: https://www.eyesofsilverblue.com/?p=312 but I feel the need to revisit)
I have a tradition (that I’ve had since … 1986 or so) where I “turn down” a place setting for that particular reason. When the family gathers to celebrate, Mother’s, Father’s, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day, there is always a place setting where the cup is inverted.
We’re coming upon numerous celebrations (US: Columbus Day/Canada: Thanksgiving Day; Veteran’s Day; US: Thanksgiving; Hanukkah, Christmas Eve/Day, New Year’s Eve/Day). Don’t forget…to remember.
It doesn’t have to be a solemn moment. It can be joyful. Do not grieve if they have passed; rejoice in the fact that they were in your life. Be not filled with sorrow they are not with you at that moment; celebrate that they are part of your here and now, and that you will see them again.
As you know, I often say “I am with you because you remember me.”
Silver Blue… who says… “I’ll be seeing you…in all the old familiar places.”
[audio:https://www.eyesofsilverblue.com/mbibsy.mp3]Or do I ever cross your mind…
By Silver Blue
Last night was a strange night, with strange dreams. Today has been a strange day. In all honesty, 2011 has been a strange year.
Even for all that, I stumbled across a photo of me, from years (and decades) gone by.
I’m old enough (I think) to sit up on my own (I may have been propped up — but still), so…that would have put this photo as late 1969, or very early 1970.
In the ensuing years, I’d like to think I’ve touched many lives. Sure, I could have done a better, more gentle “touch” to some people, but the past is the past, and I can’t go back and change that.
However, in everything that has passed (and that has gone on recently), I just wonder if I cross some people’s mind, and if they smile about the time when our paths joined.
Do you ever recall those old memories at all?
Silver Blue, who’s amazed by the number of will-o’-the-wisps that I’ve seen tonight, in my living room, as if they’re attempting to help me remember…something. If I could only figure out what it is.
[audio:https://www.eyesofsilverblue.com/diecym.mp3]I’m not religious but…
By Silver Blue
….this is funny as hell.
Trust the local “Bed, Bath & Beyond” to carry finger puppets to provide for your plague playing pleasure. I’m glad there weren’t more than 10 plagues or they’d have to include velcro fingers to hold the additional plagues on mankind.
Silver Blue, who says “we don’t quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing.”