Silver Blue

Hello! I’m Jonathan Everyday, or John Barker, or Silver Blue… actually, I’m all three, rolled into one.

I’m an audiophile, an amateur photographer/videographer, and a wannabe gourmet. I love to cook and try out new ingredients, and I enjoy documenting important moments of my life through pictures, video, and song.

Expect this to be fleshed out as time goes by and I feel a little more comfortable in my new environs.


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  • 01 Michelle 06/11 22:28

    John! I am sending you virtual hugs right now! Of course I remember you…I am happy to see you blogging again and will definitely be adding you to my list. I am still around, though I may not post as often as I’d like 🙂

  • 02 Angel with a Camera 12/04 17:45
    Angel with a Camera

    Sooooooooooooooooooo glad to see you have a new blog. I am one of your fans!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  • 03 Kelly 05/31 10:36

    I know you from quite a while ago. We used to keep in touch, but lost touch. I’ve been looking for you and just stumbled across this site, and figured I’d reach out.

    You should never loose touch with best friends. I’m sorry we did.


  • 04 Silver Blue 05/31 10:57
    Silver Blue

    I’m a bit speechless at the moment (which all 4 of you know is a rarity). I never thought… I’d connect again with the later 3 of you… one I knew from blogging, one I worked with, and the last… well… you’re right. We should never lose touch with best friends. I’m sorry we did as well. It’s … put a very pleasant spin on the day.
    The best to all of you….
    John (Silver Blue)
    “…we’ve got time, baby there’s no rush…gonna be a better day for us… hang on…and I will wait for you.”
    (Basia, “Time and Tide”)

  • 05 Gayle 03/12 11:28

    Hi John- I was looking for some info on Jane Olivor and stumbled across your website. It appears that you were quite a fan, so maybe you can help me. I’ve been searching forever for a copy of her 1979 Summerfest video with absolutely no luck. Can you help? Maybe you have a copy or can put out some feelers?
    Your blog looks pretty interesting. It’s the first time I ever added one to my “faves” list.

  • 06 Silver Blue 03/23 07:53
    Silver Blue

    Gayle: Unfortunately, I am no longer a fan of Ms. Olivor’s. I worked as her web manager from 2002-2005, and we parted ways. I haven’t had contact with her since that time, nor have I had contact with the various fan groups. I remember there was one on YahooGroups, so you might want to try there. I had also been told that from time to time a copy appears on ebay, but I’ve never verified it. Good luck in your search!

    • Gayle 03/30 20:34

      Yeah, I did kind of figure that you had a parting of the ways, as they say, but I appreciate very much your responding to my inquiry! -g

      • Silver Blue 03/30 20:36
        Silver Blue

        No problem. Good luck on your search! – John (Silver Blue)

  • 07 Mark 11/25 18:19

    Wife and I great lovers of Jane Oliver’s Greatest Hits. One line in the song The Best Side of Goodbye has evaded us for 30 years. Comes after “But when I think…………….can you help pleeeeeeeeeze?

    • Silver Blue 11/25 19:29
      Silver Blue

      It’s been years since I’ve been involved with Ms. Olivor, or even listened to her songs but the line you wanted to know about is “But when I think about the way we were I’ll break down and I’ll cry, can’t lie…you’ve got the best side of goodbye.”

  • 08 Jamie 05/03 18:58

    Hey there, John!

  • 09 Leslie 06/29 11:44

    Hi John,
    My name is Leslie Crannell and I am the secretary of the Olde Wythe Neighborhood Association and we are working to have the Wythe School restored. We are looking for photos of the school and I found the ones you have posted and was wondering if you had any others you could share. I am particularly interested in pictures from when the school was built (you have one on your site) and any of the interior.
    Thank you, Leslie Crannell

    • Silver Blue 06/30 07:41
      Silver Blue

      Leslie: I’m currently away from the Silver Blue Photography offices and will be back around July 15. I’ll look to see what I can find upon my return and will send them to you.

  • 10 Reflections In TIme 10/07 18:14
    Reflections In TIme

    Hi John,
    I too am interested in reaching out to Jane Olivor It sounds like you may not have parted on the best of terms with her–if so I hope the two of you would be able to reconcile.

    I know you haven’t been in contact with her but was hoping you could suggest some resources for me to reach out to. I use her music as part of my therapy for lewy body dementia and would just like to thank her personally for what her music still means to me. Thanks.


    • Silver Blue 10/07 19:06
      Silver Blue

      Ed: I’m so sorry, but I haven’t had any contact with Jane since Valentine’s Day, around 2005. Her assistant at the time, Susan Painter, had informed me that Jane’s “record company” wanted control over her website. I gladly turned it over to her, lock, stock and teardrops. I’d been doing it pro bono, so it’s not like I was losing income. The “record company” never did anything but allow the domain and website to expire. That Valentine’s Day was Jane’s last performance at the Birchmere, and to the best of my knowledge, she never performed there or at the Ram’s Head again. I’ve lost touch with Darla, Betty and Susan (as well as Jane) as well as the members of the former YahooGroups that I used to run. I’m leaving this as the official reason we parted ways. There’s more, but that’s personal.

      • Ed 10/08 01:32

        Thank you, John. I appreciate you shariing your insights. I’m sorry to hear how that turned out for you, sounds like you deserved more credit and respect thta you received. Still, I hope you can reconcile somehow, somewhere down the road before its too late. Don’t know of anything I can do to help make that happen but prayer, but I’d be happy to help in any other way.
        I only had one chance to see her in concert in the late 70’s. Front row seats in Austin’s old munipal audiitorium—-but the show got cancelled. Still have the whole ticket. Anyway, thanks again for the fast and honest reply. I’ll be checking out the rest of your site to learn more about you. I invite you to check out JukeBox Memories and Reflections in Time on YouTube. Just something I do as a resource to others dealing with dementia.


        • Silver Blue 10/08 07:31
          Silver Blue

          Ed: Thanks. It’s amazing, really. I find that other than a passing thought when she comes up on random in the music archives (I have almost half a million songs in my library, so she doesn’t come up that often), I rarely think of her. I have no ill will toward her, and I hope that she’s made peace with whatever demons she was fighting inside. I was fortunate enough to see her numerous times at the Birchmere (never missed a concert) and even managed to catch a concert at the Ram’s Head (the Birchmere’s sister performance hall in Annapolis, MD) that she gave. I have autographed (2 copies – one to a late partner and myself, and one to just myself) of Chasing Rainbows, an autographed copy of Love Decides, and one of Safe Return where she wrote “when am I going to sing at your wedding?” We parted ways well before I actually did get married in 2014, and that ended in divorce in 2022. It was for the best, I bear him no ill will either. Je suis seule, maintenant (I’m alone, now), as it seems to be my lot in life. I’m content. I’ll have to check out your channels! Best – John

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Days of Silver Blue

September 2024