August, 2011

31 Aug

There’s got to be a morning after.

By Silver Blue

A shot taken prior to the arrival of Hurricane Irene. I was in introspective mode, but love the way that Mother Nature says, in spite of everything, life will go on. Hampton Roads was spared a great deal of devastation from the storm, which at its peak, was a larger storm in size (but not in intensity) than Hurricane Katrina.

Managed to make it through without much damage at all. I had a piece of my siding trim blow off (which I retrieved from the yard):

I just need someone with a 25′ ladder and a hammer to put it back in place.

The house took on no water in the basement (which means the furnace and hot water heater were saved), but the back yard, above the old septic tank, held quite a bit of water:

I gave this lawnmower to the neighbours. They were going to put it in their shed, once they made room for it. It sits above the abandoned septic tank. The storm water came to within 2 inches of covering the mower.

I give credit to numerous deities for keeping my property safe, but also to my Northern Star. They kept an eye on things here… I know they did because of the clues they left behind:

Silver Blue, who knows there’s got to be a morning after, if we can hold on through the night…


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22 Aug

Take 2.

By Silver Blue

Just because I can.

Dad, at 25. Me, at 42. I should look so good.

Yes, I get my dimples from him. LOL.

The one thing that I always wanted, however, was to have blue eyes like him. Even with the coloured contacts, however, I never looked right doing so. Work with that you’ve got, I’ve been told. LOL. All I can say is….thank God for hair colour.

Silver Blue… who reminds you, for better or worse, you’ve only got one family.

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22 Aug

Staying in the family tree…

By Silver Blue

Pardon me for being a little egotistical. I get my “good looks” from my Dad.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ (From Mom, too, but she prefers to not have her photo on the web.) (Dad was about 17 when this photo was taken; I was 6 in my photo.)

It’s been… a week. The summer has not been kind with weather, and the weather’s effect on health. But I think I’m back. What have you been up to?

Silver Blue… wondering what the world through my eyes will look like … next.

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17 Aug

Everyone has jokes.

By Silver Blue

Including my WiiFit.

Smartass. How can one afford to go on vacation?

Silver Blue, who is appreciative ofย  what I have and what I’m able to do, but wonders if there isn’t more than this.

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14 Aug

Back in a previous TimeSpace…

By Silver Blue

I first came across the term “TimeSpace” with Stevie Nicks’ Greatest Hits compilation in 1991. I liked it far more than the regular term, “spacetime”*.

In January 2007, I visited Elizabeth City, NC, and, while attempting different photographic techniques (such as adjusting the zoom while the shutter is open)

This, I think, is the home of the family that brought telephone service to Elizabeth City. Actually, it’s quite the stately home:

The photo was shot at 8:52pm, January 30, 2007, while there was still snow on the ground (or in this case, the bushes). The increased time with the shutter open allows for more than just a black skyscape.

Why choose this house? Well, it was within walking distance of where I was, it had great architecture, and since houses of antiquity tend to have stories attached to them of being haunted, or occupied by non-human entities, I figured that creating a photo where the house jumped TimeSpace would be creative. I think I was right. ๐Ÿ™‚

Silver Blue, who really wishes sometimes that walls COULD talk.


*(In physics, spacetime (or space-time, space time) is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single continuum. Spacetime is usually interpreted with space as being three-dimensional and time playing the role of a fourth dimension that is of a different sort from the spatial dimensions. According to certain Euclidean space perceptions, the universe has three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. By combining space and time into a single manifold, physicists have significantly simplified a large number of physical theories, as well as described in a more uniform way the workings of the universe at both the supergalactic and subatomic levels. – courtesy of Wikipedia)


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13 Aug

If you think about it…

By Silver Blue

….it just makes sense. Seriously.

I used to collect these little fellows. They’re called “Cherished Teddies” and they’re made by Priscilla Hillman for Enesco (the same people who bring you “Precious Moments”).ย  He’s one of my favourites, and the only to star in a photo that has actually been in the Galley Gallery (as I call the kitchen artwork). I snapped him shortly after my kitchen was renovated.

But since man cannot live on cuteness alone, how about a serving of Lettuce Shrimp Wraps?

Served with fried rice, they’re really easy to make, and … might even give you a reason to kiss the cook!

Silver Blue, who wonders what I have that is quick, cool, and healthy for dinner. I know! A smoothie!

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11 Aug

The light is brief, don’t waste it…

By Silver Blue | 1 comment


…the taste is sweet, so taste it, so I said, I understand… you see, I’m dancing as fast as I can.*

Leaving the house this morning, I spied a rose in bloom…laying back in the rosemary. A Rose in the Rosemary…and while I rarely will alter a photo, I thought by adding bokeh (throwing the outer part of the photo out of focus) and blending to white just seemed to capture the mood that I was envisioning in my head.

An update on dad, from a phone call with him after he talked to his cardiologist on the phone. I’ll admit I don’t understand this. The “widow maker” is whistle clean. (For those who don’t know what a “widow maker” is — this is from the Wikipedia: A widow maker is a nickname used to describe a highly stenotic left main coronary artery or proximal left anterior descending coronary artery of the heart.

This term is used because if the artery gets abruptly and completely occluded it will cause a massive heart attack that will likely lead to a sudden death. The blockage that kills is made up of platelets streaming to the site of a ruptured cholesterol plaque. Even a small amount of plaque in this area can (for a variety of poorly understood reasons) rupture and cause death; bypassing chronic blockages or trying to open them up with angioplasty does not prevent heart attack but it can restore blood flow in case of a sudden blockage or heart attack. An example of the devastating results of a complete occlusion of the LAD (Left Anterior Descending) artery was the sudden death of former NBC News Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert.

From the minute a widow maker hits, there is a five-minute window of time to get to a hospital or receive emergency care.)

Another bypass is perfectly clean. The triple bypass done with the radial artery is supposedly 100% clogged, yet the heart is perfectly healthy and receiving a completely adequate blood supply (through a “retroflow”) with no ill effects, and no effect on his health. He and mom will go see the cardiologist on Sep 2 and believe me, SHE will get answers.

I don’t understand it, so there must be something he might have misunderstood or wasn’t explained properly.


Silver Blue, who is thankful for every day I have my parents, and who wishes I could have been a better son in the times that I wasn’t

(* “I’m Dancing As Fast As I Can” – Juice Newton)


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10 Aug

Spreading some family love

By Silver Blue

This is my dad. I love him dearly.

He goes in for a “non-emergency” heart catheterization today. I will be there with him for spiritual support.

Silver Blue, who says life is short, speak kindly, and love with abandon.

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08 Aug

Long ago, and oh so far away…

By Silver Blue

The year was 2003. The location: Jackson Brewery, New Orleans, LA.

One of the most artistically pleasing photos I’ve taken.

Everything about this photo works for me. The sculpture, the architecture, the colours, the impending storm. Of course, this was pre-Hurricane Katrina. But even then…

Sure, I could have edited out the street post, but there is something about the juxtaposition of it, in the middle of the photo that … well, take from it what you will.

Silver Blue, who thinks that sometimes I think too much.

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07 Aug

6 years, almost 100 lbs

By Silver Blue

and I have about another 40 I want to drop.

So, I was 36 on the left, 42 on the right. I guess perhaps things DO get better with age.

Silver Blue, who really wishes that taking OFF the weight was as easy as packing it on.

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Days of Silver Blue

August 2011