
10 Feb

A/C? No… D.C.

By Silver Blue

From a 2002 trip to Washington, D.C.

Outside, I think, the FDR memorial.

The Washington Monument. Taken from this side, you couldn’t see the construction (so much) going on near the base (you can see two cranes to the left of the monument, but that’s minimal compared to whatever they were doing in 2002).

The Jefferson Monument, with Jefferson visible. I liked the framing of this one.

Also from the Jefferson Monument…

Looking back on the Washington Monument.

A timely reminder, with all of our everyday struggles:

Perhaps at no time in our Country’s past was this more evident as when brother fought brother in the War Between the States:

I haven’t made it back up to D.C. to photograph as I’d wished either, and it’s a mere 3 hours up the road. Well, there’s always the spring, or summer… or autumn.


Silver Blue, who really needs to start mapping out destinations without calling it a photographic bucket list.

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04 Oct

Always take a moment…

By Silver Blue

….when you celebrate and remember those who are not with you… be it distance, or if they’ve passed on. (Yes, I know I’ve mentioned this before in my post: but I feel the need to revisit)

I have a tradition (that I’ve had since … 1986 or so) where I “turn down” a place setting for that particular reason. When the family gathers to celebrate, Mother’s, Father’s, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day, there is always a place setting where the cup is inverted.

We’re coming upon numerous celebrations (US: Columbus Day/Canada: Thanksgiving Day; Veteran’s Day; US: Thanksgiving; Hanukkah, Christmas Eve/Day, New Year’s Eve/Day). Don’t forget…to remember.

It doesn’t have to be a solemn moment. It can be joyful. Do not grieve if they have passed; rejoice in the fact that they were in your life. Be not filled with sorrow they are not with you at that moment; celebrate that they are part of your here and now, and that you will see them again.

As you know, I often say “I am with you because you remember me.”

Silver Blue… who says… “I’ll be seeing you…in all the old familiar places.”

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Days of Silver Blue

April 2024