
04 Dec

Christmas Roses (II)

By Silver Blue


(C) 2016 F. John Barker III/Silver Blue Photography

Silver Blue: Winter Roses are not uncommon in Hampton, VA. These three were photographed on December 3, 2016.

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02 Dec

Christmas Roses (I)

By Silver Blue


(C) 2016 F. John Barker III/Silver Blue Photography

Silver Blue: This ornament (hand painted) was given to me by my mother from her personal collection. I think a student may have given it to her; still, I love the way it looks as the lights shine through it.

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31 Mar

I thought spring was here.

By Silver Blue

Mother Nature seems to have other plans. Still, there is joy to be found. Here’s a memory I call “Kiss the Rain.”


Roses, rain. Somehow the two seem to compliment each other. – Silver Blue

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25 Mar

There may have been snow yesterday…

By Silver Blue

…but in my heart, it’s summer. Ergo, allow me to share an awesome shot of roses, taken last year at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.


Silver Blue, who looks forward to warmer weather….

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18 Jul

Step by Step…

By Silver Blue

…bit by bit.

Just as roses don’t bloom all at once, it takes time to achieve one’s dreams.

With every step I take, I’m one step closer to my dream.

Silver Blue, who will be continuing to work on stuff once I’m home.

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11 Apr

I beg your pardon…

By Silver Blue

….how’d you like to stroll through my rose garden?

The first rose of the year, the burgundy iceberg (photographed Sunday, April 8, 2012):

As it opened and filled the air with fragrance…

Gotta love those old fashioned roses. The second rose to bloom was 12′ off the ground — the climbing peace (which has over 40 buds on it …before I lost count!):

This was taken yesterday (April 10, 2012) morning as I was out the door and on the way to work.

Today, it’s a bit more open:

We have two orange roses…Tropicana:

Plus a tall orange/pinkish rose that I don’t know its name:

There’s another blossom getting ready to open on that burgundy iceberg:

As well as one that is much further along:

Finally… and most definitely not last… “Bud” is back and ready to have a go at it again:

I love this time of year for the roses, but not for the pollen. Still… you want one, you’ve gotta put up with the other.


Silver Blue, who asks that you smile for a while, let’s be jolly…love shouldn’t be so melancholy. Come along and share the good times…while we can!

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17 Jan

Look up, look closely

By Silver Blue

Birds! Yes, plenty of birds. Pigeons. A Dove. A Gull.

Of course, these are not birds that migrate, so to see them is not shocking. But… it is very pleasing to the eye!

Yes, pigeons, and not on a statue. I’m not overly fond of pigeons (because, like Canadian Honkers, they’re notorious for being poop factories), but these were almost posing.

A few days later, and the Dove WAS posing for the photo, almost “cheesing” for the camera, as it were:

I’ve always lived near water, and because of that, I have an affinity for seagulls.

Finally, there’s a reason to look closely. Bud, my prolific rose bush, is at it again. Seriously?  Yes, seriously.

Silver Blue, who will be glad when Dreamhost gets the backups back online and my photos are back. Seriously!!!

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07 Jan

The Circle of Life

By Silver Blue

I have a nice selection of photographs showing the holidays in my neighbourhood (before they were all taken down and packed away for the season); those will appear in a post tomorrow. Today, I thought I’d go back to nature for just a moment.

I’d asked, back in November, however, if I thought I’d have roses blooming in December. I did, and indeed, I have them blooming now:

While “Bud” may have gone to sleep for the winter (he did bloom, by the way, before Yuletide), “Pinky” is still giving it the ol’ one-two punch.

Okay, also the three-four-five. The rose seems to not realize that it’s wintertime and it’s time to rest. Still, I’m not going to complain.

While out on a walk to get photographs, I came across a neighbour’s rose bush…(okay, not a neighbour, as they live about half a mile from me, so that would make them in my neighbourhood, but not a neighbour, yes?) and as I looked at it (the plant is massive, with many blooms), I came upon this composition which I am most in love with. It is simplistic in its nature, but also speaks volumes.

I call it: “Life, Death, and Rebirth.”

(Life is looking to be a bit tattered at the moment, but I think we can all relate.)

Finally… a moment of peace.

You may blend in, Sweet Dove, but you caught my eye, and are forever in my photograph.


Silver Blue, who realizes that the circle of life is a wheel in constant motion, always rolling us along…

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19 Nov

It’s November 19th, and…

By Silver Blue

….I’ve got roses. As someone says, “John lives in the south where roses bloom in December.” While it’s not December, it’s certainly close, isn’t it?

In the breaking morning light…

Silly rose… you can’t hide behind your stem.

So pretty, and so fragrant.

On the other side of the porch, “Tall pink,” getting ready to bloom.

The Burgundy Iceberg, getting ready to bloom.

Finally, my favourite:

“Bud.” (So named because the plant sent forth a bud that weathered the winter in 2007 and blossomed on Valentines day 2008, when, as Anais Nin said, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”.

Silver Blue, who always tries to take time to stop and smell the roses.

(After all, as Darren Hayes sings, “You can’t smell the roses when you’re gone…no it’s not a rehearsal. You only get one life, so make it right…”)

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23 Oct

How would you spend your last night on earth?

By Silver Blue

I was playing around with the new camera from work and the higher ISO speeds to put the camera through its paces.  This is my mantle, with a turquoise candle for healing, a blue (that looks purple) candle for clarity, and since it’s nearing Halloween, a beautiful feathered mask in blue and silver.

There’s just something surreal about this photo, even with the small amount of camera shake. That particular candle isn’t pink — it’s blue as well — Yankee Candle’s “Storm Watch”.

The thing to remember, and never EVER lose sight of is…

“You can’t smell the roses when you’re gone, so live every moment like it’s the last night on earth…” (“Roses”, Darren Hayes)

Silver Blue, who is slowing down to be sure to be able to smell the roses before it’s too late.

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Days of Silver Blue

January 2025