
13 Jun

The Eagle Has Landed.

By Silver Blue

Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, are caretakers to injured Bald Eagles, who are incapable of flight, ergo, unable to survive in the wild.

Normally, I’ve captured them looking majestic. The last time I was there, however, I caught one looking… sad, perhaps? Or perhaps there was something at its feet.

I can imagine a tagline being something like: “American Bald Eagle is embarrassed at the behaviour of our current Political System.”

Silver Blue… who reminds you… always keep your eyes open. You’ll see some interesting sights.


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11 Jun


By Silver Blue

Took this photo via the train at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, while trying to stop the onset of a potential heat stroke.

The drop’s not the bad part. It’s where they take you to the edge and leave you there, hanging, waiting…

They leave you there for what seems like forever, but in actuality, it’s maybe 5 seconds. LOL.

Still, it makes for a great ride…and some great photos. 🙂

Silver Blue…who enjoys the thrill of it.

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15 May

No laying down on the job!

By Silver Blue

Look, I know you’re tired. *I* am tired. But that’s no excuse. Look at you:

This is an amusement park. NOT the ruins of Rome.

Oh wait. It WAS over by the “Escape form Pompeii”. Maybe there’s something to be said about this.

(In an interesting side note, this was taken in March 2011. By the end of the season 2011, and in 2012, the statue is back on its pedestal.)


Silver Blue, who’s feeling rundown, much like that statue. It’s going to be an early night. TTFN.

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29 Apr

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

By Silver Blue

A new show at Festhaus, Busch Gardens, Williamsburg called “Entwined” which has a number of fairy tales mixed together. Of course, Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf are part of the story…

I can’t imagine … perhaps the person in the full body costume has some experience being a mascot because they had no problems dancing and acting out in the outfit.

I think the Lederhosen are a nice touch.

Contemplative wolf.

“I said,” said Red, “You don’t scare me!”

Besides, good wolves get skritchies behind the ears. 🙂

Part of the Finale number.

I saw the show when it was still being fine tuned. This was much better.


Silver Blue, who is pleased the photos turned out so well without flash. There will be more to come!

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19 Apr

Feeling Crabby

By Silver Blue

Hella day at work. Best part of the day was going with the housemate to dinner with her dad and stepmom. Seafood is always a good thing, especially when it’s steamed snow crab. (as a side note, and even more importantly, received some excellent news about my Uncle Mike’s health today, so a celebration was in order!!!)

Full of good seafood, I’m now going to bed.

Silver Blue, who is SO glad tomorrow is Friday, you simply do NOT know…


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14 Apr

I’m your biggest fan

By Silver Blue

…I’ll follow you until you buy me, Capo, Capodimonte…

Having walked 7+ miles today, I’m a bit worn out. Still, I love the look of capodimonte, so… enjoy and I’ll post more photos tomorrow.

Silver Blue, who bets you’re probably singing Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi  in your head…

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02 Apr

Look behind the facade….

By Silver Blue


A series of shots of harlequin masks shot over the past 5 years.

Masquerade noun \ˌmas-kə-ˈrād\: a social gathering of persons wearing masks and often fantastic costumes (Merriam-Webster Definition)

Facade noun \fə-ˈsäd\: a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect (Merriam-Webster definition)

Harlequin noun \ˈhär-li-k(w)ən\: a character in comedy and pantomime with a shaved head, masked face, variegated tights, and wooden sword  (Merriam-Webster Definition)

These “masks”, designed for decorative purposes only, run from $19.99 for the very small, basically unadorned, to well over $250 for the feathered and hand painted/glittered. While I don’t own any of these (I much prefer the one here from my great friend $ally and James, which adorns my mantle), I am taken in with their beauty when I visit.

Silver Blue… who has far too many “Masquerade” songs in his archives for his own good. 🙂

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27 Mar

A Study in Colour (Part 5)

By Silver Blue

This brings me to the conclusion of the photos that I took this past weekend at Busch Gardens. Oh, I took far more than the 27 shots you’ve seen… but these were the ones I shot with an eye toward form and colour.

Much like the snapdragons that were in front of the “window” in “Germany”,  here are another set.

Near the Roman Rapids ride in the Festa Italia section of the park is a waterfall, and shooting station where you can pay an quarter to shoot a stream of water on the passing by riders.

Daisies, Tulips and Dusty Miller come together to … I can’t explain it other than to say it makes me happy.

Using Bokeh (or depth of field to throw the background out of focus is something I enjoy experimenting with. Here, the red tulip and pink snapdragon are the same distance from the lens.

I wonder what happens once everything blooms out. Do they take the plants back to the greenhouse? Do they collect seeds? Or … are they merely turned into mulch?

A straight down shot. Almost looks like a space pod opening up!

What you first see upon entering, and what you last see when exiting the park. The change from the fountain is donated to charity.

Of course, when the heat of summer hits, these delicate pansies will be history. I’d not seen the dusty rose/lavender before, at least not this season.


Silver Blue… who will look for colour to study!

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26 Mar

A Study in Colour (Part 4)

By Silver Blue

More photos from the trip to Busch Gardens:

Something to be said about varying bushes with flowers. The pom-pom effect is nice, though I don’t know what kind of plant it is.

More “bedrock” sprouting with a variety of flowers in copious colours.

From almost opposing colours comes a soothing flow of shape and form.

Nature has its own way of cranking up the saturation. 🙂

Even the repeating pattern of colourful umbrellas can be interesting, even when blocked by a tree that has yet to sprout.

The richness of a metallic purple carousel horse beckons one to mount and ride… one more ride on the merry-go-round.

Only I would look up and see…. Silver and Blue. LOL.

It may look like wood, or marble, but this is pollen, resting on the surface of the “Rhine” river flowing through Busch Gardens.


I call this “The Lady Of The Lake/The Rhine Maiden” (A hat tip to the legend of King Arthur and to Richard Wagner’s “Der Ring des Nibelungen”.) Can you see her face?


Silver Blue, who… is at a loss for words this evening.

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25 Mar

A Study in Colour (Part 3)

By Silver Blue

A trip to Busch Gardens on the second official day they were open. (The season opener was yesterday, but with rain in the forecast, decided to delay it a day.)

Not every study in colours is bright and cheerful. Some are more muted, such as this flowing water.

Still, there were enough colours out and basking in the open air that it made it look, at likes, like Walt Disney had vomited.

Little things, like the water reflecting in the indentation of the rock, however, gave an interesting compliment to the colours of nature.

As you can imagine, the pollen counts were off the charts today, even with the rain of yesterday and the on again/off again misty rain we had today.

Down by the Loch Ness Monster coaster, comes a lesson in repeating patterns.

Wisteria, in the lane, with nary a desperate housewife in sight.

Remember the post I made about “Never be afraid to stand out in a crowd”? Notice that the red tulips don’t seem so special now that everyone is trying to be like them. LOL.

I just think that nature can give us a rainbow of choices to view, and fortunately, Busch Gardens groundskeepers feel the same way!


There’s two more sections in our study in colour, but those will have to wait for another day. I decided to hold off and do 9 photos at a time.

Silver Blue, who now is off to dye his hair and get this pollen off me!

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Days of Silver Blue

October 2024