bald eagle

13 Jun

The Eagle Has Landed.

By Silver Blue

Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, are caretakers to injured Bald Eagles, who are incapable of flight, ergo, unable to survive in the wild.

Normally, I’ve captured them looking majestic. The last time I was there, however, I caught one looking… sad, perhaps? Or perhaps there was something at its feet.

I can imagine a tagline being something like: “American Bald Eagle is embarrassed at the behaviour of our current Political System.”

Silver Blue… who reminds you… always keep your eyes open. You’ll see some interesting sights.


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17 Mar

Night I left the city…I dreamt of a wolf…

By Silver Blue

Went to Passport Preview day at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg today. Weather was perfect and it was worth putting up with the pollen.

I’ve never heard the grey wolves howl in the park…. until today.

In fact, over in Germany, at the Curse of Dar Kastle ride, a large wolf statue says…. CHEESE!

The thing that I really appreciate about BGW however, is how well they tend to their grounds (a veritable wheelbarrow of Spring):

Plus, the fact they act as caretakers this year to four Bald Eagles who have been injured in the wild and cannot fly or hunt, so are protected and fed here:


This one, if I recall correctly, injured his wing by flying into a power line and almost lost the wing to injury and infection (hence the reason it wasn’t able to be “re-set” so he can fly).

All in all a great day… even if time passed too quickly.

Silver Blue, who is thankful Mother Nature held off on her rain and storms and let me have MY day, making the most of the shots…

(*title from “Cry Wolf” by a-ha)

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Days of Silver Blue

July 2024