
13 Jan

Marching to the beat of my own drum.

By Silver Blue

Of course, it doesn’t hurt if you’ve got someone counting the beat for you too!

One of the things that I love about photography, and attempting to capture memories, is the ability to see things through a lens in a way that perhaps you wouldn’t in just the hustle and bustle of the day. We all seem to be in such a hurry that we pass by, without even noticing, some really amazing sights.

Take for example the building my Chiropractor is in. I’ve been going there since October, but I’ve never really stopped to look at it, to really SEE it, until this morning. There, in the rising sun… well, Stevie Wonder may have had an album called “In Square Circle” (the song Part-Time Lover is from it), but this is the true epitome of the name:

The interesting thing to me is that it looks like it’s just a wall with a hole in it — after all, you can see the sky on the right, and perhaps the tree has been trimmed back and you’d not see it through the opening. In fact, you’re seeing the reflection of the sky behind ME as I take this picture. The fact that the window next to it isn’t reflecting anything at all struck me as odd, and unique at the same time.

As I’d mentioned prior, however, good photographs require you to learn you to “see” your environs, not just look at them. The next time you’re out shopping — be it in a supermarket, department store, or shopping centre/mall, do yourself a favour. Look UP. I’d mentioned this back when the blog was relatively new with the post: There Is Beauty All Around Us.

When I was doing errands today, I made a stop at a local mall… one I don’t normally frequent, Chesapeake Square. I happened to have my camera with me, and on my way out, I looked up. I’m glad the mall wasn’t crowded today because what I saw stopped me in my tracks. I saw angles. I saw light. I saw colour. I was “seeing” my environs. A moment later, I had my “memory” shot.

There’s something almost Nautical about this shot. Crisp, clean, and the light and shadows make the photo something that makes me smile.

The nautical bit is only appropriate, as the mall’s “logo” (now mostly deprecated), was four anchors set at angles.

Silver Blue, who reminds you to not only take time to stop and smell the roses, but to not just pass through life, but look, SEE, and enjoy the world around you!

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Days of Silver Blue

April 2024